If you have followed the news as of late, you will know that we have reached a milestone in the COVID Pandemic with over one million deaths in America alone. International Headquarters has reported 82 officers lost to COVID around the world. This news causes an alarm to sound in my spirit. Out of those one million people who died from COVID to date, how many of them knew the Lord as their personal Savior? As Salvationists, have we done all that we can to share the gospel? Allow me to get personal with you for a moment. When was the last time you led someone to the Lord? I’m not talking about your corps when someone comes to the altar. I’m talking about you personally seeking someone out and leading them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Now more than ever, Jesus’s admonition for us to be “salt and light” in our world is critical. The Barna Group has found that there are over 160 million people who are unchurched in America. That is more than the population of Canada and Australia combined. People are dying without a personal relationship with Christ, or they are not in a right relationship with Jesus Christ. So, the question becomes, what are we going to do about it?
Hear me clearly when I say that I do not want to start a campaign or program, but I do want to engage you in a personal initiative. Before the end of this year, I would ask that you personally take the initiative to lead someone to the Lord. Tell them about Jesus and lead them through the prayer of repentance and acceptance. Of course, you can lead more than one person to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, but do not allow this year to end without participating in our Soldier’s Covenant which says: I will be faithful to the purposes for which God raised up The Salvation Army, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, endeavoring to win others to Him, and in His name caring for the needy and the disadvantaged.
That may be the easiest part of my request of you. I have heard in times past that people would drop off their infants on the church’s doorsteps to allow the church to raise their children. My concern today is that we are still engaged in such a practice. We may lead someone to the Lord and then tell them to go to church to get the rest. In other words, we leave spiritual infants on the church’s doorsteps hoping that they might mature in their faith. We are Salvationists, and we are better than that.
Jesus’s directive to us is that we would make disciples. That directive is not just for the Church body but also for each individual Christian. As I am asking that each of you reach one person, I am also requesting that each one of you teach one. Take the time to invest of yourself into the individual’s spiritual growth process. Possibly open up your homes for Bible study with them or use technology to do a virtual study. Whatever way you feel necessary to help them. Walk beside them in the struggle of their journey, be a part of their daily reach for God. If you need resources, speak to your corps officers or other Salvationists to see what is working for them. But whatever you do – do not sit on the sideline during these unprecedented times.
Take on the initiative for each one to reach one, and each one to teach one. May our blessed Savior bless your every endeavor in His name.