Holiness Enjoyed

Holiness Enjoyed

Among the few English books that remained in one of our overseas appointments was a Salvation Army songbook published in 1953. As I flipped through the subject titles, I discovered one very interesting section entitled, “Holiness Enjoyed,” a section in Salvation Army...
Heart Cry for Revival

Heart Cry for Revival

Sometimes it’s from reading something on social media. Other times it is when watching the evening news. Occasionally it is from hearing something in a meeting. There are nights when I lie awake or during my prayers that I feel burdened, in agony or desperate beyond...
Has Everyone Heard?

Has Everyone Heard?

One sometimes hears the comment “Certainly most everyone has heard of Jesus by now. Surely missionaries have been sent to every country. Haven’t we already completed the Great Commission?”  While the spread of Christianity has been nothing short of supernatural, there...


Have you heard about ambergris before? According to the Natural History Museum website it is described as one of the worlds strangest occurrences. Called the treasure of the sea and floating gold, it can be found floating on the sea or sometimes on shore where it is...
Abraham’s Prayer Failure

Abraham’s Prayer Failure

We have no description of anyone’s pleading with God for others at all resembling that of Abraham’s intercession for Sodom. There are several remarkable facts connected with it which cannot have been recorded without special reason. We know that prophets and apostles...